The Public Audit Act 2015 Petition Analysis

Parliament in exercise of its legislative mandate enacted the Public Audit Act which was assented on 18th December 2015, the Act had a commencement date of 1st January 2016. The Act had serious ramifications on the proper functioning of the Auditor General as envisioned in the Constitution. It had proposals that could have affected the […]
TI-Kenya: Attacks on Judiciary Unwarranted

Attacks on Judiciary unwarranted, TI tells Matiangi
The Corruption Perception Index 2017

Nairobi 22 February 2018: Kenya has made a dismal improvement in the fight against corruption according to a report released by Transparency International. According to the 2017 Global Perceptions Index, Kenya scored 28 points out of the possible 100, a slight improvement from 26 points in 2016 and 25 in 2015 However,the score is still […]
Cabinet Secretary Farida Karoney calls for the Acceleration of the Titling Programme for Public Schools

Nairobi, 9th March 2018: The Cabinet Secretary for Lands and Physical Planning has called upon stakeholders in the titling of public schools to fast track the programme on titling all public schools. Speaking when the CS hosted the National Working Group on Tilting of Public Schools, the CS noted that the number of schools titled […]
No Marked Improvement for Kenya in the 2017 Global Corruption Perceptions Index

Nairobi 22 February 2018: Kenya has made a dismal improvement in the fight against corruption according to a report released by Transparency International. According to the 2017 Global Perceptions Index, Kenya scored 28 points out of the possible 100, a slight improvement from 26 points in 2016 and 25 in 2015 However,the score is still […]
Job Disclaimer and Notification

We bring to the notice of all concerned that Transparency International Kenya (TI-Kenya) has a merit-based employee selection practice. We do not charge / accept any amount of money from job seekers during the selection process or while inviting candidates for an interview. We have noticed fake job offers from accounts like Transparency International Ke […]
Signing a treaty is good but we need action against corruption

By PAUL BANOBA Earlier this week, African leaders meeting in Addis Ababa launched the African Union theme for 2018. In bold language, this year’s theme speaks of “Winning the fight against corruption.” This focus is good news for the African Union, and for everyone concerned about corruption in Africa. First, the theme signals that African […]