Whistleblowers help reveal more corporate fraud than management reviews and audits together, making them invaluable in unearthing corrupt practices. They are valiant individuals who risk life and limb to come forth to disclose information about corruption, misconduct, illegal activity, or other wrongdoings; unfortunately, whistleblowers in most parts of the world, continue to face retaliation through harassment, dismissal from employment, threats and actual violence.

The threats and attack on whistleblowers are no different in Kenya, last year, CPA Spencer Sankale – one of the whistleblowers of the ‘Maasai Mara Heist’ that came to light in 2019 was dismissed from duty, and now adds up to the statistics of unemployed Kenyans, and with no regular, reliable income, unable to fend for his young family. Many also recall the story of the late David Munyakei, the whistleblower in the Goldenberg scandal. He eventually lost his job at the Central Bank of Kenya and died a destitute, his family living from hand to mouth long before and long after his demise. There stories are just, but a fraction of the horrendous retaliations that most Kenyans face when they speak up against corruption.

According to the Kenya Bribery Index 2019, by Transparency International Kenya, 87% of Kenyans that witnessed bribery incidents did not come forth with reports on corruption, with 20% of the respondents citing fear of intimidation or reprisal as the reason for holding back. This is a clear sign that Kenyans lack the much-needed confidence in reporting cases of corruption, perhaps occasioned by how they have seen past whistleblowers being treated.

Further, Kenya still lacks a comprehensive policy and legislative whistleblower protection framework in place to ensure that brave individuals who risk their lives and those of their families, enjoy robust protection from all forms of retaliation for coming forth to report corruption or bear witness to ensure perpetrators are convicted and resources lost are recovered. This despite various national, regional and global commitments made to establish a comprehensive whistleblower protection regime, including a commitment to protect, recognise and reward whistleblowers in the 2013 Jubilee manifesto.

Besides, the journey to establish a comprehensive whistleblower protection dating back to 2003 when Kenya ratified the United Nations Convention on Anti-Corruption (UNCAC), and in 2007 when it signed up to the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption. However, the legal framework is weak, ambiguous and scattered in anti-corruption legislations, such as, The Bribery Act (2016), The Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act (2003), and the Public Officer Ethics Act (2003). Even though the civil society continue advocating for the protection of whistleblowers and promoting whistleblowing, the slow progress has largely been due to lack of significant support from the legislature, the executive, and the Judiciary.

The failure of key institutions – the Executive, Legislature, independent commissions, and offices to ensure mechanisms to protect those that come forth with reports of wrongdoing, has negatively impacted whistleblowing in the country. Many individuals implicated in corruption offences continue occupying their offices with others simply being redeployed. This creates a toxic environment for whistleblowers as they end up occupying the same spaces with their perpetrators.

On the legislative aspects, Kenya has never had a comprehensive and progressive whistleblower protection law in place despite sustained calls and pressure from the civil society and other actors for over for over 10 years, the legislature has failed to enact a comprehensive law. This is a function squarely within the mandate of parliament which has dragged its feet for long. Besides, relevant institutions have not given support to this, despite public spirited MPs and efforts by the African Parliamentarian Caucus Against Corruption (APNAC) for the law; sadly, curtains close on the 12th Parliament without passage of Whistleblower protection Bill 2017 and the protected disclosures bill 2019.

The judiciary has also not given whistleblowing the much-needed boost if the infamous John Githongo defamation case is anything to go by. John Githongo, renowned for whistleblowing the Anglo-Leasing case was sued in court by former Minister, Chris Murungaru, for defamation since he was mentioned in the whistleblower record. In a judgement by the High Court in 2019, Githongo was ordered to pay Kshs. 27 million in damages. An appeal in the Court of Appeal, in May this year revised the amount to Kshs. 10 million. That the court still found Githongo at fault in regard to publicly whistleblowing is a clear indication that the concept of whistleblowing is not well understood or appreciated and actually causes fear for whistleblowing. Whistleblowing cannot be subjected to ordinary defamation principles if this country is to win the fight against corruption.

Therefore, as the world is called upon to remember and celebrate whistleblowers this year, Kenya needs to take a step to put in place appropriate and comprehensive protection and other measures to ensure the safety and well-being of those who bear their all to disclose and expose corruption scandals.

The next Parliament should prioritize the enactment of a whistleblower protection law to encourage and facilitate whistleblowing, guard against and punish victimization of whistleblowers, provide for punishment for observing yet not reporting wrongdoings and protecting whistleblowers from reprisal among other key measures. The presidential candidates in the August 2022 elections have proposed various measures to fight corruption if they ascend to high office, none has elaborated measures specific to the protection and recognition of whistleblowers, and Kenyans should demand this as a strong deterrent measure to corruption and other offences.


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Brian Ekodere

Project Assistant, ALAC Mombasa

Brian Ekodere is a lawyer with a passion for legal systems, social justice, governance, human rights, and dispute resolution. He holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from Kenyatta University and a Diploma in International Studies from the University of Nairobi. Brian has extensive experience in legal research, advocacy, and youth empowerment. Brian is dedicated to fostering a just and equitable society by promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance.

Lucky Philomena Mbaye

Project Assistant, Citizen Demand and Oversight

Philomena is a lawyer, currently undertaking the Advocates Training Program at the Kenya School of Law, following her attainment of a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LL. B) from the University of Nairobi. She is also a Certified Professional Mediator (CPM).

With a keen interest in Human Rights, Policy, Democracy, and Governance, she is deeply invested in promoting equitable legal practices and advocating for social justice. Her professional journey includes valuable experiences from (Coulson Harney LLP) Bowmans Law and ENS Africa, where she developed a solid understanding of legal intricacies and demonstrated proficiency in navigating complex legal landscapes. Beyond her legal pursuits, Philomena actively engages in community service through volunteer work with local CSOs, aiming to extend her impact beyond the legal sphere and contribute meaningfully to societal progress.

Thomas Juma

Project Assistant, North-Rift Region

Thomas is a dynamic professional with a wide range of experience and skills in community mobilization, capacity development in governance, media engagement, networking and partnership development. In his new role, he shall be responsible for offering support to the North Rift Regional Office to ensure successful implementation of the projects and assisting in logistical tasks, data collection and documentation. Thomas holds a diploma in public relations, marketing and advertising from ICS college, diploma in project planning and NGO management from Cambridge universal college and diploma in film and television production from Alphax college.

Emily Atieno

Procurement Officer

Emily is a dynamic professional with a diverse range of experience and skills in asset management, vendor relations, process improvement, event management, procurement process and procedures, admin management, communication and interpersonal skills. In her role, she is responsible for all the procurement processes and procedures towards achieving the TI-Kenya’s strategic plan. Emily holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Africa Nazarene University. She is also a holder of certificate in facilitation skills and Diploma in Business Management.

George Kiondo

Finance and Investments Manager

George is a dynamic professional with a diverse range of experience and skills in financial and project management, couching and mentoring, monitoring and evaluation, financial reporting and procurement amongst others.

In his new role, is responsible for overseeing the work of finance, investments and business development towards achieving the TI-Kenya’s strategic plan.

George holds a Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration from USIU, a Masters of Business Administration from the African Nazarene University, CPA-K and CPS-K qualifications from Strathmore Business School.

Linet Mukhula

Project Officer, Natural Resources and Climate Governance - Land, Extractives and Energy

Linet is a highly dynamic and versatile professional with extensive experience across various domains. She possesses a comprehensive skill set essential for effective project and organizational management. This includes expertise in Program Management and Reporting, ensuring strategic initiatives are designed and implemented to meet objectives with accurate reporting on outcomes. She excels in Coordination and Relationship Management, forging strong connections with stakeholders to drive collaboration and achieve shared goals.

She is responsible for implementing governance projects and working with communities and government with an emphasis on Land, Extractives and Energy towards achieving the TI-Kenya’s strategic plan.

Linet holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Community Development from Kenyatta University with a Diploma in Public Relations Management and Advance Certificate in Business Management from the Kenya Institute of Management. She’s currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Development Studies (Economic Planning)- thesis level at the Management University of Africa.

Anno Annet Andisi

Intern, North-Rift Region

Annet is a dynamic professional with a diverse range of experience and skills in community engagement and advocacy, training, strategy and policy development as well as project management.

She is responsible for offering support to the North Rift Regional Office to ensure the successful implementation of the projects and documenting of legal aid cases for walk-in and call-in clients towards achieving the TI-Kenya’s strategic plan.

Annet holds a Bachelor of Bachelor of Political science and Public administration from Kisii University.

Jane Kingori

Grants Manager, USAID USAWA Program

Jane is a finance and grants specialist with a Master of Science in Organizational Development, Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and CPA (K). She has over 15 years’ of experience in strengthening organizations ‘capacities for sustainable program delivery through integration of best grants and financial management practices and compliance with different donor rules and regulations including USAID, UKAID, DANIDA, GCERF, SIDA and EU among others. She has served as the grants management technical lead at Faith To Action Network and Act Change Transform.