Uwajibikaji Pamoja Comes to Widower’s Rescue

Job* Enkai, 65-year-old widower and a father of 7 (3 boys and 4 girls) has been a beneficiary of a cash transfer programme implemented by Oxfam and funded by ECHO in Turkana. Job was recruited into the programme through a process that is community based and facilitated by Oxfam staff and the community’s administrative leaders; and borrowing heavily on the process that was spearheaded by the National Drought Management (NDMA), a National Government agency.

Through the programme, Job was supposed to receive monthly stipend of Ksh 2,700 for a period of 17 months (May 2016 to December 2017). Job started receiving the money through his bank account as had been informed by the Oxfam staff for the first 12 months without facing any challenge during withdrawal, either in the bank or through the bank agents in his locality in Kakuma area. From March 2017, Job started experiencing challenges in the access of his money either through the bank or the agent(s). He was turned away on several occasions with the bank staff and agents citing non- conformity of his finger prints with the bank thumb machines.

During this period, Job had sought the intervention of his village elder and the Chief to no avail. No one was ready to listen to him; both at the bank and at the agents’ premises. He lost hope.

On September 19th 2017, the TI-Kenya Turkana County Convener and the National Convener together with Oxfam Field officer, were conducting community forums in the larger Turkana West Sub County, Kakuma included. Job was one of the community members who attended one of the forums. The community members were sensitised on their rights to give feedback on both aid and service delivery that is offered by state and non-state actors.

The County Convener took them step by step on how to give feedback through the Uwajibikaji Pamoja platform, and what TI-Kenya and its partners will do to ensure that the feedback given is addressed on time. After, the forum, Job came forth and shared his story. The County Convener supported him to fill a complaint form to register his feedback. Further, together with the TI-Kenya team and the Oxfam staff, they had an opportunity to visit the bank’s Kakuma branch where he shared his story to the Bank Manager.

After checking his account and confirming his registration details, Job was able to access his stipend that had accumulated for seven months. “TI-Kenya team is God sent! I had completely given up and even asked my two daughters who were schooling to forfeit school and support me in doing menial jobs to feed the rest of the family. I thank God. God bless your organisation,” Job said after he was given his money.

*Name changed to conceal true identity


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Brian Ekodere

Project Assistant, ALAC Mombasa

Brian Ekodere is a lawyer with a passion for legal systems, social justice, governance, human rights, and dispute resolution. He holds a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from Kenyatta University and a Diploma in International Studies from the University of Nairobi. Brian has extensive experience in legal research, advocacy, and youth empowerment. Brian is dedicated to fostering a just and equitable society by promoting transparency, accountability, and good governance.

Lucky Philomena Mbaye

Project Assistant, Citizen Demand and Oversight

Philomena is a lawyer, currently undertaking the Advocates Training Program at the Kenya School of Law, following her attainment of a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LL. B) from the University of Nairobi. She is also a Certified Professional Mediator (CPM).

With a keen interest in Human Rights, Policy, Democracy, and Governance, she is deeply invested in promoting equitable legal practices and advocating for social justice. Her professional journey includes valuable experiences from (Coulson Harney LLP) Bowmans Law and ENS Africa, where she developed a solid understanding of legal intricacies and demonstrated proficiency in navigating complex legal landscapes. Beyond her legal pursuits, Philomena actively engages in community service through volunteer work with local CSOs, aiming to extend her impact beyond the legal sphere and contribute meaningfully to societal progress.

Thomas Juma

Project Assistant, North-Rift Region

Thomas is a dynamic professional with a wide range of experience and skills in community mobilization, capacity development in governance, media engagement, networking and partnership development. In his new role, he shall be responsible for offering support to the North Rift Regional Office to ensure successful implementation of the projects and assisting in logistical tasks, data collection and documentation. Thomas holds a diploma in public relations, marketing and advertising from ICS college, diploma in project planning and NGO management from Cambridge universal college and diploma in film and television production from Alphax college.

Emily Atieno

Procurement Officer

Emily is a dynamic professional with a diverse range of experience and skills in asset management, vendor relations, process improvement, event management, procurement process and procedures, admin management, communication and interpersonal skills. In her role, she is responsible for all the procurement processes and procedures towards achieving the TI-Kenya’s strategic plan. Emily holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Africa Nazarene University. She is also a holder of certificate in facilitation skills and Diploma in Business Management.

George Kiondo

Finance and Investments Manager

George is a dynamic professional with a diverse range of experience and skills in financial and project management, couching and mentoring, monitoring and evaluation, financial reporting and procurement amongst others.

In his new role, is responsible for overseeing the work of finance, investments and business development towards achieving the TI-Kenya’s strategic plan.

George holds a Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration from USIU, a Masters of Business Administration from the African Nazarene University, CPA-K and CPS-K qualifications from Strathmore Business School.

Linet Mukhula

Project Officer, Natural Resources and Climate Governance - Land, Extractives and Energy

Linet is a highly dynamic and versatile professional with extensive experience across various domains. She possesses a comprehensive skill set essential for effective project and organizational management. This includes expertise in Program Management and Reporting, ensuring strategic initiatives are designed and implemented to meet objectives with accurate reporting on outcomes. She excels in Coordination and Relationship Management, forging strong connections with stakeholders to drive collaboration and achieve shared goals.

She is responsible for implementing governance projects and working with communities and government with an emphasis on Land, Extractives and Energy towards achieving the TI-Kenya’s strategic plan.

Linet holds a Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Community Development from Kenyatta University with a Diploma in Public Relations Management and Advance Certificate in Business Management from the Kenya Institute of Management. She’s currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Development Studies (Economic Planning)- thesis level at the Management University of Africa.

Anno Annet Andisi

Intern, North-Rift Region

Annet is a dynamic professional with a diverse range of experience and skills in community engagement and advocacy, training, strategy and policy development as well as project management.

She is responsible for offering support to the North Rift Regional Office to ensure the successful implementation of the projects and documenting of legal aid cases for walk-in and call-in clients towards achieving the TI-Kenya’s strategic plan.

Annet holds a Bachelor of Bachelor of Political science and Public administration from Kisii University.

Jane Kingori

Grants Manager, USAID USAWA Program

Jane is a finance and grants specialist with a Master of Science in Organizational Development, Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and CPA (K). She has over 15 years’ of experience in strengthening organizations ‘capacities for sustainable program delivery through integration of best grants and financial management practices and compliance with different donor rules and regulations including USAID, UKAID, DANIDA, GCERF, SIDA and EU among others. She has served as the grants management technical lead at Faith To Action Network and Act Change Transform.