Bungoma Good Governance Coalition Nips a Corrupt Deal

Even with the Constitution adopted in 2010 and new land laws to safeguard the interests of citizens in land ownership, fraudulent acquisition of land in Kenya is still prevalent. Transparency International Kenya through the Advocacy and Legal Advisory Centre (ALAC) Western has continued to empower citizens on corruption and anti-corruption strategies particularly emphasizing the […]
Widow’s Long Walk for Justice

As a widow struggling to make ends meet, Grace’s* face gave tell-tale signs of the distress she was undergoing. Her smile was weary and it was clear that the ALAC Eldoret offices were her last resort. As if losing her husband was not enough, she was embroiled in a land dispute with the family of […]
ALAC Helps Client to Push for Registration Documents

Agnes* applied for registration of a company at the Registrar of Companies in February 2014 and she was advised that processing her application for registration would take about 60 days. After 60 days she went to the registrar’s office and was informed that her application for registration was not complete. She continued to follow up […]
Legal Advice for School Worker Wrongfully Dismissed

Mr. Elijah Omondi* worked at a secondary school in Siaya County as an accountant for over 10 years. He was a stickler for financial procedures but this worked against him as he had problems with the school administration. He was demoted from the position of an accountant to a grounds man in 2010, a position […]

Kogo* had a matter pending in the High Court since 2001. The case was being adjourned for various reasons and sometimes the file would ‘disappear’ and resurface a year later. ALAC Intervention ALAC Eldoret sits in the case backlog committee of Court Users Committee (CUC). This case was presented to the CUC committee and the […]
ALAC Re-Routes Course of Justice For Defilement Victim

Quite often, the process of administration of justice is delayed or hindered by those who should ardently uphold, largely as a result of corruption. *Nyambura, a 16-year-old girl from Kakamega County came face to face with this ugly reality in August 2015. The minor had been defiled and infected with a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) […]
The Red Card Campaign

The August 2017 Elections offered an opportunity to challenge the re-election of leaders who had fallen short of the ethical standards for our leadership as articulated in the Constitution of Kenya. Launched in the lead up to the elections, the 90-day Red Card campaign was initiated by four Kenyan run civic organisations namely; the Transparency […]
Letter to African Union Leaders on Africa Anti-Corruption Day

11 July, 2018 Dear African Union leaders, Transparency International and its 28 chapters in Africa applaud the African Union (AU) for earmarking July 11 as African Anti-Corruption Day and dedicating 2018 to the fight against corruption. The impact of corruption on the continent’s economic development is visible and cannot be underestimated. Corruption is not a […]
Citizens Against Corruption

To sustain the level of commitment in combating corruption, the Assembly of the African Union declared 2018 as “the African Anti-Corruption Year”. The year will be celebrated under the theme: ‘Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation’. To solidify the continent’s political commitment towards a corrupt free, citizen-driven, and democratically governed […]
The Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) Kenya Report

Transparency International Kenya launched the Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) Kenya Report on 6th June 2018 in Nairobi TI-Kenya has been undertaking a study on Business Integrity Country Agenda (BICA) whose main objective is to define and implement a widely shared reform agenda which seeks to reduce corruption in business practices. The project seeks to assess the […]