Safeguarding the Integrity of the Electoral Process in Kenya

Safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process is key in the realization of credible, peaceful, free and fair elections in Kenya. Read more

As members of civil society organizations, we hold that an electoral process that takes a wrong turn could potentially threaten the country’s heritage and aspirations of having credible peaceful, free and fair elections. We therefore, wish to address the following emerging issues and concerns; Read more
Environmental Policy Gaps

Environmental Policy Gaps: Analysis of Existing Legislations, Conflicts and Inconsistencies Affecting Climate Change Response in Kenya
Adili E-Newsletter- Issue 175

High Court Ruling Spells Clarity in the Regulation of Campaign Financing in Kenya

Thursday, 5th May 2022 – Nairobi, Kenya: The High Court of Kenya has today declared that election campaign spending limits in Sections 12, 18 and 19 of the Election Campaigns Financing Act, 2013 (ECF Act) do not call for parliamentary approval, but must be subjected to appropriate public engagement. Read more
EACC should be declared the final custodian of Chapter 6 of the Constitution

We have noted with deep concern the seeming lack of commitment by key election oversight institutions to enforce and uphold values of Chapter 6 especially during the 2022 general election, and filed a petition (Petition NO. E168 of 2022) in The High Court of Kenya seeking a pronouncement on the vetting and clearing threshold and […]
Joint Civil Society Statement on the good, the bad and the ugly of the just concluded political party primaries.

Sunday, 24th April 2022, Nairobi: Political Parties held their party primaries in line with the IEBC’s statutory requirement that allparties hold nominations and resolve any attendant disputes arising from this exercise by 22nd April 2022. As members of the Civil Society Organizations under the Uchaguzi Platform, we monitored the processes and wish to issue our […]

Wednesday, 13th April 2022, Nairobi: Civil Society Organisations under the banner of the National Integrity Alliance (NIA) have been closely monitoring key developments in regard to the enforcement of Chapter 6 of the Constitution on leadership and integrity, and make the following observations and recommendations: Read more
Joint Civil Society Statement on the ongoing political party primaries and other prevalent issues ahead of the 2022 general elections.

Sunday, 10th April 2022, Nairobi As the 9th August 2022 general elections draws near, the rise in political temperatures witnessed across the country continue to drive jitters. In the past few months, pockets of political violence have been reported in some parts of the country. Further, the country has witnessed swirling political alliances taking place, […]
Citizens’ Manifesto on Public Debt Accountability and Economic Justice.

Okoa Uchumi Coalition Campaign is a civil society platform that seeks to address Kenya’s public debt crisis and push for prudent financial management. The Campaign today launched the Citizens’ Manifesto on Public Debt Accountability and Economic Justice. The manifesto is a concerted voice of citizens in various diversities calling for public debt accountability, and resolution […]