Annual Institutional Report – 2021-2022

The Need for Whistleblower Protection Legislation in Kenya

Threats and intimidation on media and whistleblowers show the need for Whistleblower Protection Legislation The edible oil and National Hospital Insurance Fund scams exposed recently and the backlash against the media that has weathered intimidation and name-calling, and reported threats against the NHIF heist whistleblower have been the sad highlight of the week we mark […]
Memo to the National Assembly on the Conflict of Interest Bill 29.06.2023

Transparency International’s Open Letter to the African Union on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of The African Union Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption

TI-Kenya Memorandum on SRC Salary Review

We are strongly opposed to the Commission’s proposal to increase salaries, benefits, andallowances for state officers until the economic situation in the country improves sufficiently tosustainably support such remuneration. State officers and senior public officers enjoy a myriad ofbenefits that shield them from the struggling economy. Implementing an additional Kshs 50million in wage bill to […]
The Disparity Equation: Tax Incentives and Economic Inequality in Kenya’s Regional Blocs