TI-Kenya Joins Kenyans in Mourning Bishop Korir
TI-Kenya has today joined Kenyans in mourning Bishop Cornelius Korir of the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret. In the message shared through its official twitter handle @tikenya, TI-Kenya noted that Bishop Korir was instrumental in supporting its activities in the North Rift region. “We are saddened by the news of the passing on of our friend […]
Political Players Must Drop Hardline Position
Fifteen organisations including civil society, professional bodies and religious organisations under “Return to Reason”, have today 19th October 2017 called for dialogue in the current political deadlock. Speaking at a press conference in Nairobi, the organisations urged key political players to drop hardline positions for the interest of the nation. “Politics must not be a […]
TI Kenya Hosts Media Practitioners, Calls for Collaboration
Transparency International Kenya hosted journalists, bloggers and media trainers on Tuesday 10th October, 2017 in Nairobi. The meeting aimed to discuss the role of media in political accountability. Victor Bwire from the Media Council of Kenya, William Janak from Kenya Correspondents Association and Sheila Masinde from TI Kenya led the discussions. Sheila Masinde, the Head […]
Media Forum: Role of Media in Political Accountability
What? A discussion on the role of media in Political Accountability Where? Stanley Hotel, Nairobi When? 10th, October 2017 Who? Journalists, Media trainers and bloggers on invitation Host: TI-Kenya Panelists 1. Sheila Masinde- TI Kenya 2. Victor Bwire -Media Council of Kenya 3. William Janak – Kenya Correspondents Association
Opinion Piece: Are we Missing the Point on Fighting Graft at the County Level?
By Titus Ogalo Citizen led practical measures of realizing effective accountability and oversight at the county level remains one of the most superficially discussed, deliberated and documented aspect about Kenya’s devolution journey. Unless there is a radical shift in focusing on deliberating, developing and pin pointing practical measures, strategies and approaches targeting the public and […]
Scaling Up: Action for Transparency Team Meets Education Stakeholders
The Action for Transparency (A4T) project team held a meeting with education stakeholders to discuss the scale up of the project to the remaining 8 sub-counties with a target of about 52 public primary schools. The session took place on 28th June 2017 at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development. The A4T project has been […]
The National Integrity Alliance Launches the Red Card Campaign, Calls for Integrity
When citizens go to the polls and cast their votes, they aspire not only to elect their leaders, but to choose a direction for their nation. Elections are therefore of utmost importance in any democratic country as citizens have an opportunity to exercise their right to choose representatives. The challenges of electoral integrity cannot be […]
TI Kenya Steers Support visits in West Pokot and Turkana
TI Kenya conducted support visits in West Pokot and Turkana Counties from 30th May 2017 to the 8th of June 2017. The exercise was led by Sharon Mwangi from TI Kenya supported by social accountability officers from SIKOM and SAPCONE. The purpose of the visit in West Pokot was to pick on successes from the second […]
TI-Kenya Conducts Monitoring Visits in Turkana County
TI-Kenya conducted a monitoring/donor visit in Turkana County from Tuesday, 26th to Friday, 29th September 2017. This activity was in the framework of the Uwajibikaji Pamoja project geared towards enhancing the integrity of humanitarian operations in ASAL areas. The specific target locations were (Komudei, Lopacho, Namon, Lokore, Jerusalem and Songot. The visits purposed to hold […]