Fair for All: Power of Voices Partnerships (PVP)
TI-Kenya in partnership with the Association for Women in Extractives and Energy in Kenya and Institute of Public Finance Kenya (IPFK) with financial support from Oxfam in Kenya is implementing a project dubbed “FAIR for ALL: Improving Value Chains at Scale”.
FAIR for ALL aims to achieve fundamental and systemic change through a paradigm shift in the roles of the state and the market. The overall objective of the project is to have “A strengthened civil society, which is capable of creating space and mobilizing people across geographies, to demand and contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable trade and value chains that respect human rights, protect the environment and promote women’s economic empowerment”.
The project seeks to ensure that communities (with a key focus on grassroots women) from Taita Taveta, Turkana, and Kwale counties fully benefit from the sector’s value chains and have the space to meaningfully engage the private sector and government in securing benefits from these resources. The project’s interventions involve strengthening the capacity of communities and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to meaningfully engage the private sector players in the mining sector and holding the Government to account on the governance of the sector, revenue-raising, allocation, and utilization as well as maximize their engagement with government in realization of their rights throughout the value chain.