Uwajibikaji Pamoja (“Accountability Together” in Kiswahili)
Uwajibikaji Pamoja (“Accountability Together” in Kiswahili) is a web-based Integrated Complaint Referral Mechanism. The project is implemented by TI-Kenya in three counties (Turkana, West Pokot, Wajir and Marsabit), in partnership with over 45 state and non-state service providers both at local and international capacities. This initiative was first launched in April 2014 in Turkana, followed by West Pokot in September 2014, in Wajir County in October 2014 and since February 2017 in Marsabit. The ‘Uwajibikaji Pamoja’ platform aims to improve service delivery for the local residents by facilitating coordination of service providers, enhancing capacity of service providers on accountability and sensitizing community members on their right to receive quality interventions.
All this is achieved through community engagement via radio programming, joint out reaches, influencing the accountability agenda through engagement with partners and policy makers, participation in forums, documentation, referral of complaints, dissemination of reports and lessons learnt through workshops and learning events. The service enables members of the public to submit complaints or feedback concerning aid and service delivery through three channels: a toll-free SMS line, a web-based portal, or by filling out paper forms.
People with no access to a mobile phone or internet can visit the nearest office of a participating organisation to lodge their complaints. A walk-in option also allows people who cannot read or write to report their cases. Complaints received from affected residents range from sectors such as food aid and health services, to education, planning, housing, public services management and include issues such as quality and timeliness of aid services, non-inclusion, conflict of interest and behavior of staff.
Visit www.uwajibikajipamoja.com for more information.